We decided to make the move from Christchurch (where Logan had been working in the traffic management industry as an Operations Manager) to Tauranga, with a 6 month old baby boy to embark on a new journey!
Road Safe was established in 2016 and consisted of Logan working out of his garage, with one truck.
It was definitely hardworking beginnings!
We secured a large project quite early on, working with the New Zealand Defence Force for the 85th anniversary of the Ohakea NZ Air Force Tattoo 2017. This event involved closing down numerous roads surrounding the district and detouring several of the main arterial state highways to limit any potential congestion. The event ran over a 2 day period, with up to 50,000 people attending each day. With over 60 buses operating from 4 regional park n’rides, Road Safe worked closely with suppliers to ensure there was minimal impact via delays to attendees, and the traveling public.
The Royal New Zealand Air Force Chief of Air Force Tony Davies said the day bought together crews from the UK, Japan, Australia, Canada, France and Singapore. It was an important event and the chance to show the New Zealand public what the Air Force is all about. We felt honoured to have been a part of it.
Since then, we’ve continued on our journey of building long-lasting relationships and have been fortunate to work on numerous other roading, civil and event projects throughout Tauranga, Whakatane, Rotorua, Taupo and the wider Bay of Plenty.
We’ve also grown in other ways…we now have over 60 staff across three locations and are continually growing our fleet of vehicles.
Family-Oriented Environment
Road Safe, really is a family oriented business and family values are felt throughout. We know our team have loved ones waiting for them when they get home each day, so we’re committed to getting our people home safe at the end of each shift. We work hard, we’re professional but we have lots of laughs and fun along the way too!
The business is family run and operated, and Logan’s Dad, Grant Dawson, also made the move from Ashburton in 2019 to become the Assets Manager.
And we have a resident dog called Archer who’s part of the team too.
Moving Forward as a Team
While we might have been the ones that started the company, the success of the business is really down to the awesome team of people we work alongside. We believe we have great people, doing great things!
We were honoured to win the 2018 Westpac Emerging Business of the Year Award and were a finalist in the Workplace Safety Award.
We will continue to strive to be the best we can be, and support and inspire our people to do the same.
We’re excited to see what the future holds!
- Logan Dawson & Greta Drummond
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